Become a Pro Partner

Our Pro Partner Program has three main categories:

Dealers, Installers, and Facility Managers/Landscapers

Get FREE Exclusive Training, Technical Support, Wholesale Pricing, and Lead Generation

Our Commitment to You, Growing Your Business

No matter which category of the Pro Partner Program you are in, we are committed to providing the latest in technology, support, training, and business growth opportunities.

Dealer Program

Offer your customers the latest technology in lawn care with confidence, knowing you have the best robotic mower and support in the industry without franchise fees or large inventory obligations.

Installer Program

Expand your business by adding robot installation to your service offerings. We will connect you with other partners in your area to direct local install requests to you. Included support and installer certification.

Landscaping /Facility Manager

Autonomous mowers help save time, improve lawn health and appearance, and provide an environmentally friendly solution to property maintenance by eliminating fuel, oil, emissions and noise pollution

Dealer Training & Technical Support

Dealer Pricing

Inventory Models & Parts

Lead Generation

Dealer Partners

Our Dealer Partner category is designed for outdoor and lawn equipment dealers to have access to the latest technology in lawn care for their customers. We provide full technical and technical support, inventory models and parts for offered robotic mowers, wholesale dealer pricing, and even lead generation for your local market. All of this is available to you without franchise fees or large inventory obligations.

Take your company into the future and differentiate yourself from competitors by partnering with GL Robotics and offering cutting edge technology and equipment.

Dealer Requirements & Expectations Include:

  • Honor the MSRP Pricing

  • Sell Only in Your Market Area

  • Certified Installer On-Site

  • Purchase 1 Demo/Display Unit

  • Commit to Sales Training & Annual Evaluations

Installer Partners

Our Installer Partner category is designed for those in the underground fence installation business. This program will allow you to expand your business by adding robotic mower installations to your service offerings. Along with the additional revenue opportunities, you will be provided leads for installs through other local partners, and receive full step by step training on the process of installing and setting up Ambrogio Robotic Mowers.

Installer Requirement Include:

  • Completion of our online Certified Installer Program

  • Ability to provide installation quotes within 2 business days

  • Accept complete responsibility for completed installations

Save Time

Environmentally Friendly

Improve Lawn Health & Appearance

No Dangerous Mowers

Landscaping/Facility Manager Partners

Our Landscaping/Facility Manager Partner category is designed for companies that provide those services to commercial properties. Our solutions help your company achieve the following:

Save Time - Autonomous lawn mowers require minimum involvement once installed and set up. This allows for more time spent on location to be dedicated to edging, shaping, weed trimming, and other specialized activities.

Improve Lawn Health and Appearance - Autonomous mowers work every day so you never have complaints that your facility lawns are neglected. The lawns are always freshly mowed and clippings are virtually invisible. Daily cutting encourages roots to grow deeper and prevents weeds from going to seed.

Environmentally Friendly - Clippings act as mulch reducing the water needed and then break down quickly returning nutrients to the lawn, minimizing fertilizer requirements. Rechargeable batteries mean no fuel, no oil, and no emissions. Plus the benefit of noise pollution from traditional mowers being eliminated.

No Dangerous Mowers - Traditional mowers have personal and property risk involved through injury or damage from blades that could create harmful or damaging projectiles. Autonomous mowers eliminate these projectiles and have safety programming built in to prevent any personal injury to people.

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